Andreu Ulied
Andreu Ulied
MaCT Faculty
Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
New global imbalances and sustainable development: solutions by startups and innovation
Andreu Ulied, born in Barcelona, is Engineer (1988) and Doctor Engineer (1996) by the Polytechnic University Catalonia and Master in Urban Planning by the School of Architecture of Harvard University, GSD (1994). Expert on urban and regional development, infrastructure and public-services.
Author of a number of scientific articles and several books, mostly critical analysis of Barcelona, such as “New Barcelones” (2005), “141 days in Barcelona” (2006), “The Infinite City: Living and Imagining Barcelona and Catalonia” (2010), and “Building, Living and Thinking the Future of Barcelona” (provisory title, to be printed on 2019)
Academic entailments:
- Co-director of the post graduated course on “Economic and Financial Evaluation” by the Catalan Association of Economists and the Association of Civil Engineers (since 2012)
- Responsible for the “Future Mobility Seminar” in the Master on City and Technology at Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (2017)
- Professor in the Master of Urban Planning at Public School of Administration of Catalonia, in Barcelona (until 2010)
- Partner researcher at the University of Montreal (on integration of economic, transport and environmental models (since 2000 to 2002)
- Partner researcher at University Institute of European Studies of the UAB (since 1999 to 2001).
- Visiting professor/invited speaker at universities and research centres in Lima (Peru), Puerto Rico and New Mexico (USA), Montreal (Canada), Mumbai (India) and Beijing (China).
- Associated Professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia UPC (until 2013)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Barcelona Local Council (until 2015)
- Coordinator of the Governance Committee of the Economist Association and Engineers Association of Catalonia.
- Coordinator of the Urban Planning Committee of the Engineers Association of Catalonia
- Member of the Transport Round Table Barcelona
- Member of the Sounding Board of the CENIT, Centre of Innovation in Transport Studies UPC
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Professional experience:
Partner of MCRIT (www.mcrit.com) in 1988, and Partner Director of MCRIT since 1994.
He has worked as consultant in projects involving almost all European countries, as well in North of Africa, Latino America and the Caribbean from local to international public institutions. He provides advice to private and public engineering and public-service companies in strategic, urban, regional and infrastructure planning.
Since 1997 Andreu Ulied has been involved in several research projects. During 1997-2000, he co-ordinated three researches in the 4th and 5th Framework Programme of Research of the European Commission. He also participated on six 7th European Research Programme projects, and currently in two H2020 projects, most of these projects covering forecast and feasibility studies, as well as in COST Action and Erasmus+.
He has also participated in a number of research projects in the ESPON (European Spatial Planning), in the area of urban and regional development, assessment of Cohesion policies and future-oriented studies –particularly in the three projects dealing with European territorial foresight ESPON 3.2 (2003-2005), ET2050 (2010-2014) and Possible Territorial Futures (2016-2017), co-ordinating ET2050 –“Making Europe Open and Polycentric”. Currently he co-ordinates ESPON European Territorial Reference Framework (2017-2019).
He is President of the ERSILIA Foundation (www.ersilia.org), from 2004, created by MCRIT as a non-profit institutions devoted to promote open and transdisciplinary education.
Other aspects:
Fluent in English and French. Good understanding of Italian and Portuguese. Catalan and Spanish as mother languages.