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Instructions for presentations

Abstract submission is closed. Thank you for your contribution!

Instructions for E-Poster Presenters

  • Electronic Posters or E-Posters are similar to traditional paper posters, but displayed on-site on a large LCD television screen and are available for electronic viewing for participants.
  • Abstracts selected for E-Poster presentations will have a specific presentation date and time. Schedule will be available in the first week of March.
  • Presenting author has to prepare a presentation for 5 min. + 2 min. discussion
  • These posters do not require printing or production of materials - as your work will be available for viewing electronically
  • E-posters should be prepared and presented in English
  • Pictures and graphs/tables can be used
  • Presentations must be uploaded in your online system account no later than 15 March
  • Prepare a one page poster document in power point using the template provided below:

Poster template

Instructions for Oral Abstract Presenters

  • Allocated time and duration of your presentation will be available until 22 February
  • You may use your own template for the presentation
  • Presentation should be prepared and presented in English
  • Presentations must be uploaded to your online system account no later than 15 March
    acceptable file formats: .pptx or .ppt (MS PowerPoint)

How to Submit Your Presentation (poster or oral)

Starting from 18 February you may access your online system account and upload your presentation (poster or oral). Please follow these instructions:

Login to your account and click on "View submitted papers/sessions

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Click on "ACTIONS" and choose "Upload or edit presentation"

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For the conference to run smoothly, all presentations should be submitted no later than by15 March